
Sobre mí

Mi foto
A law and international relations student who does the best to understand this world and expand her horizons with the most valuable tools there are; education and passion.

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Frases que me devuelven a la vida

"Vive libremente o muere"
"We´re not in Kansas anymore..."
"Why can´t you see that when be bleed we bleed the same?"
"You were made for greatness"
"A man who treats his woman like a princess is a proof that he has been born and raised in the arms of a queen"
"I´d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not"
"Yo no nací sino para quereros; 
mi alma os ha cortado a su medida; 
por hábito del alma mismo os quiero"

1 comentario:

  1. Hay algunas frases muy bonitas...

    Yo acabo de subir un trozo de una de las historias a mi blog, a ver si te gusta :)
